Thursday 19 May 2011

Project Three: Light

Originally I was thinking of two different approaches to this project. To either play and experiment with light drawing/painting by using small L.E.D’s and long exposure or to capture the bending of light by photographing reflections in concave/convex mirrors and refraction of light through water. Instantly when i thought of photographing mirrors the cover of Pearl Jam's 'Rearview Mirror' came to mind. I really like the aesthetic of this photo and it could have been a good shot to base my project on. However, I decided not to go with idea for three reasons. 1) I wasn't sure if i would be able to find a big enough variety of surfaces and objects to photograph, 2) I heard a couple of people talking in the lecture that had the same idea.. 3) the thought of light painting was just too interesting to resist.

Proposal: Light Drawing/painting
I want to experiment with light drawing/painting by using the same technique we used in the group studio. Using a long exposure time on a camera and using small L.E.D lights to draw in lines on the photograph. I would like to try taking this beyond just making cool pictures with lights.

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